Thursday, December 30, 2010

Video Of My Grandson

This is a video of my 2 year old grandson with his new keyboard he got for Christmas. He loves music. Can you tell?


Erika Mulvenna said...

He is too cute! Looks like he's totally rockin' out to that there keyboard!

Unknown said...

he is just adorable! did they move back close to you?????

Dolores said...

Oh my gosh.... that precious little boy has rhythm (sp?)..... that is the cutest video!!!

Ginnymo said...

Hi Karen!
You sure do have a cute Grandson there! Just want to wish you a Happy Easter also and thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving comments. Take care and have a wonderful day.

Tania said...

Hehe. Hold on to your hat when he hits fourteen!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Well hello Girl, where you been?? Long long time no talk!! So happy to hear from you.
Bambi has been gone 11 days now and I think I am going to live!! At first I wasn't so sure. It was such a shock.
My healthy girl dead, how could that be????? Well she didn't tell me but she was just ready to go. Her heart just stopped beating. I was holding her and I felt her heart stop!!!! She was almost 14 years old and she wasn't a small dog.
I am still blogging and I am celebrating our lives together and I plain to do that for a long while.
Do come and leave a comment.
So good to talk with you again dear friend, Fern

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Happy Forth Karen.
It is hot 100 degrees here. Ac weather if you ask me. I am glad I had a good reason to stay inside this week-end with my feet up!!
Have a good one, Fern

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Yes Karen, Today is the day they will bring her to me!!! She will be a foster at first and if she works well with our little family I will adopt her!! I am hoping she will work for us!! She is not a sight hound so it is if-y!!! Sight hounds are wonderful with other animals.
xxx, Fern

Barb said...

tooo cute!!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

I am so happy to be getting high speed, I didn't think it would ever happen!! I will not know how to act!!
xx, Fern

Barb said...

YOu won a card of buttons in the Buttonmad giveaway, I just need your address.... Congrats!!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Karen,
I an so enjoying high speed!!
I got to see your video!!
He is just precious!!!!!!!!!
Are you ever going to blog again Karen???
xx, Fern

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Karen,
Thank you so so so very much for your visits to my blog. I let it all hang out today on my blog!! The real me is showing on there!!!
xx, Zoie & Fern

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Karen,
in 6 days I will be 76 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe it!!! I never thought I would get this old Karen~~~~~~~~
Thanks for your kind words about my G-daughter!! She is a very pretty girl. I surely hope she is successful in the TV business. She has wanted this since she was 7 year old!!!
xxx, Fern

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Karen,
Things are going good!!!
How are things for you ?????

Kimmie said...

He has the love of music planted in his being. Love him and watch him bloom.

thanks for sharing.


Julierose said...

He sure does love that music! He is a cutie!! Julierose

Charlotte said...

He is just precious! Grandkids are the best!!

(((hugs)) your friends
Oskar & Schatzi

Carol Noren Johnson said...

Thanks for visiting my blog today. I am making a quilt for my husband's granddaughter. Grandchildren are sure precious.

sewyouquilt2 said...

cutest video EVER! he is destined to be a huge rock star.

Createology said...

Hello and thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. Super cute Grandson. Take good care of your healing foot. Summer Sunshine Smiles...